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Pastures New

Hi everyone, just dropping a quick line to let you know that the site will be going offline for a couple of days at the end of the week as I ship across to a new web host – I hope you’ll find the new, improved blog easier to navigate and easier on the eye…

To the sun, two the seas: a week of two races

There’s something about this week, every year, in cycling that makes me shiver. The thrill of opening weekend has subsided and the adrenaline rush of the major classics is yet to come. It’s too soon to give any real credence to the relative form of riders and yet it offers us the opportunity to gain…

One week in February…

February. Ah, February, grim bastion of winter, stubborn oppressor of warmth and merciless purveyor of the darkness, we beseech thee… give us something to smile about? And lo, February delivered. Bike racing, by the bucketload, and it wasn’t half bad. Remember when February used to consist of a few half-hearted lower level races and the…

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